Privacy Act Statement

Any information collected is governed by and in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended by 5 U.S.C. Section 552a, under the authority of 10 USC Section 3013, and AR 600-20. This information may also being collected in conjunction with the provisions of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act. This information may be disclosed to agency workforce and contractors who have been engaged by the agency to assist in the performance of routine services related to this system and will only be used by staff in accordance with official duties to manage agency programs. Recipients of information shall be required to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, pursuant to 5 USC 552a(m).

The information provided by you within this Information System (IS) will also be subject to the following routine uses:
  1. This information may be disclosed to Federal, state, local, or foreign agencies responsible for investigating, prosecuting, enforcing, or implementing laws, contracts, rules, or regulations, if these records indicate a violation or a potential violation of a law or contract. These violations or potential violations can be civil, criminal, or regulatory in nature and can arise from general or particular program statutes or contracts, rules, regulations, or from the necessity of protecting an interest of the Government.

  2. A record from this system of records may be disclosed to a Federal, state or local agencies maintaining civil, criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other pertinent information, such as the letting of a contract or other benefit.

  3. A record from this system of records may be disclosed in the course of presenting evidence to a court, magistrate, or administrative tribunal, including disclosures to opposing counsel in the course of settlement negotiations.

  4. A record in this system of records may be disclosed to a member of Congress or to a congressional staff member in response to an inquiry of the Congressional office made at the written request of the constituent about whom the record is maintained.

  5. A record in this system of records may be disclosed to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) during a review of contract administration.

  6. A record in this system of records may be disclosed to the Department of Justice to determine whether disclosure is required by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

  7. When a record on its face, or in conjunction with other records, indicates a violation or potential violation of law, whether it is civil, criminal, or regulatory in nature, and whether it arises from a general or particular program statute, a regulation, rule, or order, the record may be disclosed to the appropriate Federal, foreign, state, local or tribal agency, or to other public authorities responsible for enforcing, investigating, or prosecuting violations, or to those agencies charged with enforcing or implementing statutes, rules, regulations, or orders, if it is determined that the information is relevant to any enforcement, regulatory, investigative, or prosecutable responsibility of the receiving entity.